These signs were going up as we headed home. We were hoping there wasn't one on our road.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Nothing but RAIN!
Nothing but rain today. It started last night after dinner and hasn't stopped since. They have closed schools, roads, and are predicting thunder showers for tonight.
We now have Quartsite Creek running through our camp where it was dry desert yesterday.
Norm went out to check on the "wash" to see how high the water was getting. He is wearing the new boots that he got at the auction the other day.
This is the dry wash that is on the other side of our motorhome. It usually is dry, but you can see the water starting to run. Ron just got back from checking it again and said it is running pretty good now. They have flash floods in the area where we are camping. I just hope the water stays where it is supposed to.
Ron had a few things he wanted to pick up so we decided to try and head into town. This is the "wash" we have to cross, but usually it is dry. If it gets to high, we are stuck as there is no other way out.
This was our first stop. As we walked in there were actually quite a few people shopping. We said, "Who would come out in weather like this?". The cashier said, "People from Montana." We laughed and added and Washington. There are tools on one end of this building and household items on the other. Rosemary is holding a corn mug that she bought for her brother-in-law who grows corn. Price $1.00. We also each got a few picture frames - price 25 cents - cheap, cheap, cheap!
We really haven't had time to look at many motorhomes and since we were going right by a lot we wanted to check out we decided to stop. After we had only looked at a couple the rain and wind just got worse, so we headed home. By the time we got to the car our pants were soaked!