After seeing pictures of Ron's metal work Keith and Sheral said we HAD to go see the Yuma Fun Factory. It is a great mixture of dining and gaming. They have a restaurant as well as a snack bar. There is a gaming room, 2 miniature golf courses, go-kart track and bumper boat pond. It's a great place for kids as well as adults. We went to see the metal work that decorates the Fun Factory. Does Ron ever have ideas now.
There are several walls decorated with metal art similar to this. Isn't it great? Be prepared, Ron is on the lookout for more rusted metal.
They told us we had to see the bathrooms. Can you believe this? Wouldn't it be fun to have this in a guest bathroom?
This is part of the miniature golf course. We would have played, but we still had lots to do and wanted to get home to watch the US vs Canada hockey game.
The Fun Factory has a great view of the agricultural area of Yuma. This picture was taken from the 2nd miniature golf course. You can see the fields in the background.