As you can probably imagine I took lots of pictures on this trip. Many of them are just random pictures taken here and there that don't really fit into any of the theme pages. It's what happens when you are a photographer. You are always trying to compose a picture from everything you see. Most of the pictures will forever remain on the computer never to be seen by anyone. However, there are a few I wanted to share. They are not great photos, just interesting events.
This first one is a sign we saw on a daily basis in the south. I was pretty surprised that for a place that gets so little rain they were VERY concerned about flooding. Death Valley gets less than 2 inches of rain a year and some years even gets zero rain. Yet the flash flood signs are up. The water comes out of the mountains and since there are no streams for it to go in, it just runs all over. Since we were there during a rainy year we saw water across the road on many occasions.
We saw many date palms. These look a little dried up, but you must consider I found them on the ground in Death Valley. You don't eat them right off the tree like you would an apple or orange. There is a process they have to go through first to make them edible.
We only saw Road Runners in Death Valley, though I know they can be found in Arizona too. I have seen them before, but was surprised that they were bigger than I remembered.
It's a long drive into Death Valley. I never thought about stocking up on food and gas before we headed in. There is a small convenience store that sells pop, beer, wine and chips, but no real grocery store. There are a few good restaurants and fortunately 2 gas stations. Remember, I told you this park is huge and you need gas. We did go out for dinner, but figured we could eat the food we had and if we ran out it might mean it was time to leave, or else we would visit the restaurant again.