Monday, April 26, 2010


Isn't Spring amazing? New life and new growth everywhere. Well, I think it's a pretty time, but Ron seems to be playing the battle of the weeds and wildlife game. Just this morning he was trying to defend our home. We have a Towhee that seems to have adopted us. It lives on our front patio and likes to sit on the windowsills and lawn furniture. Of course it poops all over, so Ron is continually chasing him away. The deer were here drinking out of the Koi pond and don't seem to be at all afraid of coming right up to the house. Then there was the woodpecker that was pecking on the logs holding the roof over the patio. Ron was overwhelmed! I'm not sure just who the slow learner is here. The animals haven't learned that his actions are suppose to keep them away, and he hasn't learned that no matter what he does they're just going to keep coming back. However, when I look out my closet window this is the site I see. Ah, it's great to live in the country!