Monday, March 5, 2012

Brayden's Photo Shoot

Here's our handsome little boy when he was about 2 weeks old. We knew we were having trouble getting some really cute pictures, but when Amber called in the professional we found that newborn pictures are just not easy to take. So, here's how the photo shoot went. Amber invited Stephanie Stremler to come to the house and take Braydens' newborn pictures. She got all her equipment set up and was ready to begin and... Brayden was wide awake. They like to take these pictures when the babies are sleeping as they are much easier to pose. Not with this little guy. She did get a few pictures, but after 2 hours, lots of crying and no sleeping, they decided to give up and try another day.

Stephanie came back 2 days later and as you look through the pictures you will see that she still did not get a sleeping baby, but he was in a better mood on this day. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our special little baby boy!

Hey, don't I look like a big boy just chillin' out in my hat that Grammy made? She also made the blanket, which they wrapped me in when I came home from the hospital.

Mommy kisses!