Monday, June 7, 2010

Lizzy's Birthday

Lizzy is a friend of ours and she is turning 3! She is having a Snow White party. Amber remembers when I made doll cakes for their birthdays and she wanted to make one for Lizzy. It ended up being quite an involved project. Since I used a real doll the shirt cake was not tall enough. You can see in the picture that I added another layer onto the bottom to give it more height. Amber was good about squirting all those stars. Now is where the catch comes in. She is just using up the last tube of frosting and there was no more to be found in town. We called all over and finally found some in Mt. Vernon. Sooooo.....we left early for the party and drove to Mt. Vernon. We sat in the car and finished the cake. We thought we better stick close to the store that had frosting just in case we needed more. Thank you JoAnn Fabrics!
Lizzy was pretty excited to see her Snow White cake. She grabbed a bite right out of the front and in the mouth it went. Mmmmmm
Here's the birthday girl giving us a little pose. I was lucky to get this shot as she was on the move the whole time. They had a blow up jumping house for the kids and they were in there having a great time. They came out for cake, opened about 3 presents and then right back in they went for more jumping. I bet they all slept well that night.