We headed to Keystone, on Whidbey Island, Friday afternoon. After dinner we went for a walk and look at the sunset we saw! We often have beautiful sunsets there, but we are thinking this was the most amazing one so far. I wish I had a panorama camera, so you could see how the whole sky was lit up.
This was the weekend for the Whidbey Island Kite Festival. Sunshine and wind are 2 things that are needed for this event. Well, we had the sun, but the wind was blowing around in circles. Occasionally it would just stop all together, which caused all kinds of problems for the kites. We saw several events just paused in hopes that the wind would pick up again.
This is a team from Canada flying their multi-line kites.
Imagine keeping all these strings untangled!
Nate came camping with Brad and Robin for the weekend. They took him to the Kids Kite Making tent and he made a blue kite that he was pretty excited about.
This kite was probably 8 feet across and was beautiful. It was flown at the Mass Ascension that they have each day at 12:30. Anyone who signs up can participate. It's beautiful to see all the kites and colors, but I didn't get a very good picture this year as the wind died down before all the kites got up. :-(
Some of the festival color
From a beautiful Saturday we moved to a very foggy and rainy Sunday with no wind. No colorful flags out today and very few people in attendance. Only about 6 cars in the parking lot. The weather was predicted to clear with some sun by afternoon, so they were hopeful. However, by the time we left it still looked like this. I see one kite up, but it may not have stayed there for long.
We went to Keystone for the Kite Festival, but we had a pretty exciting surprise when the new ferry Chetzemoka pulled in. It was supposed to begin service at the end pf August, but it was having a vibration problem. They still are not sure when it's first trip will be. They were just doing some testing and training on this day. The ferry actually came in and went back out about 6 times, so we had a great time watching it.
The Chetzemoka is quite a bit bigger than the little Pierce County ferry they have been using for this run to Port Townsend.