Why or why do they make TVs so difficult these days. Why can't we just take the old TV out and put the new one back in. Oh no, that would be way to easy.
STEP 1: Since son-in-law Jerad was here to help Ron remove the old, and very heavy TV, we had him help with the reconnect. Not so successful as we realized the connections did not match and we probably needed a new DVR box from Comcast. The new TV has High Def and the old box would not support that. So for the time being we bypassed the box and put the cable directly into the TV.
STEP 2: The next day I go and get the new box from Comcast. Now we'll just plug everything back in, right?. Well, no. The new plugs are different. After many tries and a few calls to Comcast, note the phone beside Ron, we still did not have the connections right. Of course the directions are not real helpful, We need to connect 4 devices together and the directions only show how to connect 3. Mind you, we have 3 sets of directions all of which are a little different from each other. Oh, my!
Call son-in-law Will who is off on Fridays and can answer our 911 call. He comes over and finds we basically have things connected correctly, but we still are not getting a picture. Lucky for us he has the same make TV and just happens to know that we needed to go to the menu then to input and then switch to component. How would he even know that? Surprise we now have a picture, but we still aren't finished. Turns out we are trying to mix old and new technology and that just doesn't work. Now we need to get a new DVD player so it will have the correct connections, HDMI I believe, on the back so we can connect it to the TV.
STEP 4: Will and Ron are putting everything back in place. Well, at least for now. We need to go shopping for a DVD player and then we'll start this whole process again.What has happened to the days of plugging the TV in the wall and WALKING up and turning it on. I must be getting old.