Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brayden is 10 Months Old

Brayden is 10 months old and so darn cute. I'm his Grammy, so I can say that right? He still loves those books and here he is  with one of his favorites. What is with boys and cars/trucks?

 Ooooo, Christmas ornaments. What damage can I do to these?
 I like to help Grammy with the laundry.
 Juice time!!

 Shhh, don't tell Mommy and Daddy that I can climb up in my rocking chair.
I can now reach some of Grammy's books!!!
 Grammy's yarn can sure be fun, but what a mess it makes. She has special little balls that she let's me use, then she has to take out all the knots. She is making an afghan for Baby Caitlin and I am trying to help.
I sure like the Fisher Price Nativity, but what I really like to do is put it all on the floor.
 The cow says "Mooooo" and the sheep  says "Baaaaaa"