We play card bingo on Wednesday nights. Instead of calling numbers like B 6 the caller will say the name of a card. If you get rid of all your cards you say BINGO! We have been pretty lucky this year as Ron has won 3 times and I won once. Since you play with a team of 4 the money is split between the 4 players.
Look at Bill. He thought he would be creative with his card lay out in hopes that he would win.
Ron must have been getting bored with the normal layout, so decide to give himself a challenge by laying the cards on their side. Silly, silly boys, but whatever works to win is OK with me. Here's the funny thing. One night Ron was to sick to go, so I played his hand for him. Wold you believe he won and he wasn't even there. Why isn't he buying lottery tickets or going to the casino?