Saturday, April 10, 2010

MS Walk

Today we did the MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Walk in memory of Misty's mom Ginger who died from MS a few years ago. The walk started and ended at Barkley Haggen's. We walked the trail to Memorial park, which is near Sunnyland School. It was cold this morning, only 31, but we dressed warm. It was a beautiful sunny day, so with the sun and the walking we soon warmed up and had a great walk. Here you can see who Amber and Misty are walking for. Amber and Misty
Lizzy was riding in her wagon, but she thought she was on a roller coaster, so she kept putting her hands up. She just recently got back from Disneyland, so I'm sure that's where this idea came from.
Here's "Ginger's Team"
Niece Jennifer, Dana, Son-in-law David
Nicole, Daughter Misty, Amber, Jen K, Ron
Grand daughter Lizzy, Cohen, Carole