Sunday, July 29, 2012

Log #2

Skeet brought some firewood and topped it off with a log to put on his lot as a boat bumper.

These boys figure things out pretty well. Dump the firewood, but keep the log on the truck. It sounds like a good trick, but it worked for them. Kind of like pulling the table cloth out from under the dishes, only in this case the log was chained down to the truck, which helped immensely.

Once again they are challenged with how top get the log where they want it without dumping it right into the river and having it float away. I should have learned by now never to doubt these guys as they manage to figure everything out. One, two, three...

DUMP! And look at that log balance right there as if they do this all the time.

They pulled a little and pushed a little and over the bank it went and stopped right where they wanted it to. The rest of the project will wait until the next trip to the river.