On the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month Rancho Rialto has a BBQ. It cost $6.00 and you can choose steak, chicken or pork. Ron is in line getting our steaks.
There are several BBQs set up outside on the patio. Some are used only for steaks and others for the chicken and pork.
It can get a little busy around the BBQs with everyone trying to get their meat cooked.
Ron found a spot and put our steaks on the grill. What I didn't take a picture of was our plate before we started to eat dinner. Once the steaks are finished we put them on a clean plate and head inside for the rest of our dinner. They give us a baked potato with butter, sour cream, chives and bacon and garlic bread. Then we move on for vegetables and can choose mixed vegetables or beans, or both if you're really hungry. Next is the salad and they always have coleslaw and/or a tossed salad. Let me tell you it's a plate FULL! When you get your meat they also give you a ticket for desert, which is an ice cream bar, usually a Nutty Buddy ice cream cone. That's a lot of food for only $6.00. We always bring a "doggie bag" as we eat only one steak and take the other one home.