Saturday, March 19, 2011

Year End Party

We had our Year End Party this afternoon. They had some games set up in the parking lot. I thought you might get a chuckle out of how close they have the Washer Toss boards. We usually put them about 20 feet apart. Hmm, maybe they are suppose to be close. I better see if I can find a set of rules. Right behind this game was Dingle Balls and a Bean Bag Baseball. Some of our Jam Session members provided music for the event. It's great fun listening to them.

We had chicken, beans, potato salad, rolls, lemonade/coffee and Snicker ice cream bars for desert. Would you believe they charged us $1.00. Yes, that's one dollar.
Here's the worker bees that put on the party. They did a great job and we thank them very much for a great event.