Monday, February 15, 2010


Ron could hardly sleep last night as he was thinking about getting back on the tennis courts. They were closed last week as they were being resurfaced, They also got new nets. He thought they were pretty nice before as he is used to playing on the outdoor public courts at home. What a lucky boy he is. This is just what he came south for.The weather is getting warmer. We have had some days near 80 degrees. Yesterday was actually getting a little warm for me, but then it was probably poor planning on our part. We made a better choice today. No walk after lunch during the heat of the day, but a trip to the pool instead. It was perfect! Ron swims many laps and then spends some time in the hot tub hoping it might help his leg, which bothers him a lot. I swim a few laps and then float around on a "Noodle". It's pretty hard to see in this picture as it is blue. Ron gives me a bad time about this, but I don't just float. I do laps on my tummy and then switch to my back. I kick and use my arms. We seem to be the only people that really swim. Everyone else just floats and visits.
After dinner tonight we went for a bike ride around the park. It was dark, but the park is well lit. It was also still warm enough that we didn't need a jacket.