Baby Number 1 out of the nest. Well, actually I think this was Baby Number 2. This all happened so fast that somewhere along the line I lost track of one of the babies. I thought they might start to gradually step out of the nest to test their wings, but not these babies. Once they got out of the nest they never went back. That's why I think the first baby got away before I even saw it. So, here we have one baby out and the other one staying safe inside.
This little guy sat on that branch for several hours. Oh, he was pretty shaky and almost fell off a few times. I think what made him mad though is that when Mom came back with food he never got any. Only the baby on the nest was fed. He squawked about that and finally started hopping around like he was going to go back into the nest.
Here is Mom. She sat and encouraged those babies to get a move on, or she was telling them to get back into the nest. I really don't understand Robin talk. One thing I did notice is that they were cleaning their feathers practically every time I looked at them. Must have been getting ready to fly.
As it turned out Mom must have been telling them to get out of the nest and explore. This little guy had waited all day and finally out he came. It wasn't long before he had even left the tree and was in a bush next to it. Next time I looked they were both completely gone. So much for my theory about them hanging around the nest for a few days. Since this all happened so quickly I am thinking that the 3rd baby must have left the nest sometime when I wasn't looking.