Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby Robins Day 9

Sad news about the babies today. I noticed only 3 of them in the nest when I looked out the window. I made sure the mom was gone and went out to investigate and found one of the babies on the ground dead. I have no way of knowing if it fell out or died and was pushed out. I can tell you the nest is pretty small to hold all of them. I was watching them today and one of the babies had it's foot on the edge of the nest and had lifted itself up and was flapping it's wings. I thought for sure it was going to fall out. I hope they learn to fly soon! I'm probably worrying about these babies more than the mom is. As you can see in the picture they want food and are keeping mom busy. I see both mom and dad around sometimes. Looks like one of them should be staying home to keep their children in the nest.