Monday, January 10, 2011


A new area to find some Geocaches. These are several near our RV park, so I started searching. Here are 2 that were close by. This one was pretty clever, as most of them are. It was covered with a lid that looks like the city had out it there. However, as I moved it aside I found the Geocache hidden beneath. This is a craft cache, which if the first one of them I have seen. You can leave a craft project and take one that you like. Since I had no projects with me I just looked at what others had left.
This Cache was called "Merge". A very appropriate name for it as it was hidden on a Merge sign. I'm pointing to the cache, but it was really hidden up under the sign with a magnet.
This was a small capsule containing only a log. I signed it and returned it to its original location for others to find. I can now add a few Arizona Caches to my list.