Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brayden's Birth

The time for delivery has arrived. Everyone loved the shirt that Jerad chose to wear for this amazing event. The nurses wished they all had them. All in all I think everyone was very relaxed.

  Here's Amber's support team. Her cousin Jodie will be finishing her nursing school in June, husband Jerad offered the relaxing support, and her friend Misty is a nurse. The bases were covered and what a great job these guys did. Jennifer and I rounded out the team, but we must have just been there for moral support and to be the "gophers".
 Brayden Douglas was born on Thursday, January 26th at 4:53 PM. He weighed 7 lbs 9 oz, was 20 inches long, and as cute and cute can be. I was surprised that he popped out with his eyes wide open and was so alert. One of the first things he did was reach over and grab his daddy's finger. Talk about a proud daddy! It was love at first sight.

 Brayden was a trouper as they fused with him to get all the information they need on a newborn. Here he is with Dr. Jessica Bloom as she gives him his first once over. Guess what, he was PERFECT!!!! Jessica was amazing through the delivery. Amber is very lucky to have such a great doctor.
New mommy, new daddy and new baby!!!
And here are Will and Jennifer the very excited new Auntie and Uncle.
 I don't think he could be any more adorable. We are so lucky!