Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January Snow

Snow, Snow, Snow, what a great way to start the New Year!

It started with just a few flurries.
 The girls had planned on walking the trail at the end of the road. They decided a little snow would just add to the fun. So, off they went.
Jennifer, Nicole, Jodie, Amber with her baby bump, and Amanda
 They figured it would be cold, so they planned a stop at our house for hot chocolate on their way home. Was it cold? Oh yes, very much so. Not only were they cold, but wet, wet, wet. I had just taken a coffee cake out of the oven so Jennie literally sat on the oven door to try and warm up. Jodie is making a hot cocoa to take with her as she heads to the fireplace to get some heat.

 As the hours go by the snow just keeps piling up.
Here's a before and after picture.

 This is Ron's rebar tree. He thought it looked pretty nice with it's coat of white.
 Looking out our living room windows.

 Yup, 10 inches and still snowing, though they are saying it is going to stop by tomorrow.
 Looking out the back of our house.