This is the weekend for the Spring Work Party at Cowlitz Shores. The weather has not been very good, so we were afraid we would have rain. Though it wasn't sunny and warm we did have a nice day for working outside and in. The night before the Work Party we played a few games with friends. Of course Pegs and Jokers was first and then a game of 3-13 and George.
Skeet is checking his cards and planning his next move.
Saturday morning we are at work. There was a list of all the jobs that needed doing and after breakfast people begin signing up for what they would be working on. Doris, Sheral and I chose windows inside and out. Lucky for us someone came along and did the outsides for us. I ended up washing the screens and putting them back up.
Some of the men worked on insulating the clubhouse. On these cold days it should make it much warmer.
A new compost hole was also dug.
Ron chose to work on the burn pile. It was a huge job as everything was wet and they had a hard time getting it going. You can see some flames here, and they were thinking that might be about all they would get. However, they stuck with it through the weekend and by the time we left there was only one very small log left. Way to go boys!
OK, I know I am supposed to be working, but as I was over checking on Ron and the burn pile I spotted these mushrooms. They were so pretty I couldn't resist a few pictures.
Skeet chose weed whacking, so he was all over the park whacking here and whacking there.
There was a problem with the sewer pump, so these men worked on it. They did have the septic tank pumped and were talking about replacing the pump. Whatever they did it was successful as the system ended up working perfectly.
Jan brought her Slider maker, so we had Sliders for dinner. They are pretty small for the men, so we made them several and put 2 patties in them. It was a fun adventure.
Ron's dinner. We used potato rolls for the buns. They worked just fine.
We stayed at the campground for 5 days, so we also had some time for fun. I brought my materials so the ladies could make Easter candies. Doris is checking her molds to make sure there are no air bubbles and that all the areas are filled.
Sheral is putting her molds in the refrigerator so the chocolate will harden.
I have taken my candy out of the molds and am arranging them on the foil. When I am finished I will put them in little clear bags.
Sheral is arranging her candies on a plate so she can carry them home.
While the ladies were making candy the men were out fishing. Looks like they had a great day!
The next morning started out very foggy, but in the spring that can mean that the sun will shine as soon as it burns through...
and it did! We had a beautiful day. 
Sheral wanted to make a quilt, but it turned out to be quite a challenge. She wanted Easter fabric, but we did find any. We also couldn't find any of the quilters grid that we needed. Hmmm, what a deal this turned out to be. I finally found her some fabric, so we cut the pieces so she will be ready to sew when we get together again. I will bring the grid so we are sure to have the supplies we need.
There are many doves in the campground. This is a Turtle Dove. We hear them all the time, but don't often see them up in the trees. I was quite surprised to see one right outside the motorhome.