Yes, the kids still like to get baskets from the Easter Bunny. Plus, the bunny, that would be me, really likes to fill them. Since we just got back from Arizona I had several swap meet items. Those colorful crayon looking things I got at Lettuce Days in Yuma. They shoot water about 25 feet. They'll be quite fun if we ever get some warm weather.
Here's the dinner table with it's centerpiece decorations.
The tulips were especially pretty and the color matched the table runner, napkins and dishes perfectly. It's so nice when it works out that way.
Here's the cousins - Jennifer, Jodie, Amber and Cara. We are so lucky they all live in town, so we get to see them often.
Amber brought these beautiful flowers. Aren't they colorful? She got them because...
they match the cupcakes she made for desert. She and Jodie went to "Our Kitchen is Your Kitchen" on Newmarket in the Barkley neighborhood. They showed them how to do the decorations. Pretty cute, huh?
Rylie and Cara were going to share a cupcake. I don't think that was really Rylie's idea. Once she got a taste of it she would not take it away from her mouth. Cara figured she probably thought that as long as she held on to it her Mommy would not get a taste. Pretty cute!
Amber also brought chocolate covered strawberries - Mmmmmm
I made a basket full of Easter colored hats and let the girls choose the one they wanted. If you click on the picture to make it larger you will be able to see that each hat has a butterfly crocheted into the pattern.
This is my Auntie Dorothy. She is 85 and has always been quite a character. Somethings never change and it is always fun to have her around. She makes up songs about anything that might be happening. She sang one for Rylie, but being only 2 I'm not sure she really understood what it was all about. Here she is singing a song with the duck. :-)
After dinner I once again got out the chocolates so the girls could make chocolate covered cookies.
Rylie wanted to be right there with us. She's pretty interested in everything that happens.

Oh Jennie, no sampling!
Amber is very carefully adding pink for the ears. Some of this is very tiny work.
Rylie wanted to make her own cookie. If the big girls can do it so can she!
The boys, of course, were not very interested in what we were doing - until we were done. Then they decide to try their hand at making the cookies. They weren't to particular how they did it as long as they got chocolate on a cookie. Their idea of an end result was not a cute cookie, but simply something to eat.