Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lemon Tree

This is a rather long story, so sit back, relax and laugh. Several years ago Jennie and Will got a Meyer's Lemon Tree. It did very well and they always seemed to have lemons on it. Either in a blossom stage, growing, or ready to pick. Ron thought it was quite fun and the lemons are amazingly good. Sweet and not so sour. So, for Father's Day last year, that would be 2010, they gave Ron his very own lemon tree. It was a beautiful healthy tree just loaded with blossoms. Mmmm, it smelled so good. Keep in mind that these are NOT big trees, but about 2 feet tall. Jennie and Will put theirs outside for the summer so the bees could pollinate the blossoms. So, we did the same. All was well and good until... Remember the story about the deer we have at our place? One day we looked at the tree and all the  blossoms and many of the leaves had been eaten off. The tree was pruned back to almost nothing! We were so sad and mad all at the same time. We should have known better as we know what the deer can do to our yard. Ron immediately put a fence around the tree, but the damage was done. There were no lemons in 2010!

Now it's a new year and we are smarter and wiser. When we put the tree outside this summer Ron put a bigger netting around all sides including the top. The tree was once again absolutely loaded with blossoms and the bees were having a great time buzzing from blossom to blossom. I am sure I took a picture of the tree in full bloom, but I don't seem to be able to find it. So, you can look at the blossom shots and use your imagination as to what a tree full of them looks like. Oh, and again it smells soooooo good! I'll keep you posted as to the growth of the lemons.