Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peach Cobbler

Here's a funny story. Ron thought it would be fun to have a Dutch Oven. Soooo, why not give it to Will for his birthday, which is tomorrow, and let him carry it around. It is big and is very heavy and does Will have the room for it in his trailer? No, I don't think so, but it can go in the bed of the truck. For the first cooking experience we gave Will the makings for Peach Cobbler.
 Ingredients are all mixed and ready to be cooked. Hmmm, maybe I wasn't paying attention. Where is the crust for the top?
 Does this look yummy or what? It actually tells you how many briquets need to go on top to keep the oven the  correct temperature.
 It didn't take long for everyone to get served and say that it was delicious!