Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Walk in the Park

As we take walks around and through Hells Gate State Park we are always amazed at the beauty we can find.

 The columnar basalt formations are unbelievable. It's hard to believe they were naturally made and not something from a Disney creation. Jennie is washing her hands in a naturally formed basin.
 Heading back to camp on the trail along the Snake River.

 Just a weed, but pretty interesting.
 Pitch running down a tree in the park. I know, I sometimes take pictures of silly things.
 I rode my bike on the trail along the Snake River. It's a great blacktop trail that goes from the park all the way into town and that is about 7 miles. The bridge in the background takes you from Lewiston, Idaho across the Snake River and into Clarkston, Washington.