Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Decorations

Here's our Halloween tree decorated with it's plastic garbage bag ghosts. Sometimes you just have to use the materials you have. There are little orange lights on it, but they are hard to see. I didn't get a very good picture unless I used the flash and that spoils all the lights. I'll just have to try again tonight. I made this table runner last year, so I may have posted it before. Sorry if I did.

These are the Halloween schirenschnitte that I made last year. I know I posted them, but they are fun to see again.
I made the ghost last year and added the pumpkin and candy corn this year. They are called "amigurumis", which in Japan means a small doll or toy.
When Julie and I went on the Shop Hop last spring I found a pattern for making yoyo trees. We usually think of trees for Christmas, but they are fun for any season. Sooooo, I made a Halloween tree. You can see the yoyo makers in the center of the picture. I made 4 different sized yoyos and then stacked them up on the doweling.
Here's the completed Halloween yoyo tree. Besides being pretty cute it was a good way for me to use up some of my scrap fabric from quilting.