Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rylie Day

Last Friday was a Rylie day for me. My sister Julie watches her every other Friday morning. We have been gone so much this summer that I have missed most of the Fridays. This week I was home, so I went over and played for a couple hours. I have found that is best for me to take 2 cameras when I go, as Rylie always wants one. If she takes mine I get no pictures. I found this Fisher Price child's camera and she is pretty happy with it. She can push the buttons and take pictures and the flash goes off. Ah, what fun that all is. I left at nap time, but I forgot somethings in Julie's car. Soooooo, after lunch Rylie and Julie came to my house to drop off the things I forgot. She remembers where the toys are, so of course we had to have another little play time.
Rylie had a great time with Ron. She wanted him to play with the toys and kept calling him saying, "Uncle Ron, come here." He was trying to eat his lunch, so she finally went over and sat on his lap and they shared lunch.