Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Rylie!

Happy Birthday to Rylie!!!
Rylie turned 2 on October 30th and she had a wonderful day. Her Maama (Grandma Julie) had taken her to Amber's one day and she spotted the baby doll in the cradle that Amber has. She was so excited about it that Julie knew then what she was giving her for her birthday. As you can see she right away knew to put the baby in the cradle and give it a bottle. Soooo cute!
Auntie Jodie made the doggie cake and it was so good. It was a pound cake with part white and part chocolate cake. Mmmmmmm.
Her Auntie Jodie and Uncle Luke gave her the kitchen. Oh, did she have fun putting the food in the frig and the dishes on the shelves. She tried to eat some of the plastic food, but quickly found out that it wasn't for eating.Jennie gave her a set of play dough and tools. Rylie was so interested in everything. Each gift she opened she had to play with for awhile. Needless to say it took us awhile. We opened gifts, played, opened gifts, took a break and had cake, opened another gift, played with it for awhile and then moved on. It was quite fun and Rylie enjoyed everything about her party.